Bircher Reglomat has been a leader in automatic door sensors in Europe and Asia for over 40 years, and is now ready to provide the US market with proven technologies and solutions that will help you get ahead.
Bircher Reglomat offers a comprehensive Swiss engineered product line, for automatic door activation and safety, with technologies including microwave, active and passive infrared. We also offer sensing solutions for other industries including industrial doors, public transportation and machines & robots
BIRCHER 壓力波開關 DW50
BIRCHER 壓力波開關固定盒 DWGK50
BIRCHER 傳感器 AIR 30 G3/31
BIRCHER 傳感器 ESL36/40/2/1000
BIRCHER 開關 ESLP28/16/800/S
BIRCHER 開關 ESL36/40/2/1100
Bircher Reglomat has been a leader in automatic door sensors in Europe and Asia for over 40 years, and is now ready to provide the US market with proven technologies and solutions that will help you get ahead.
Bircher Reglomat offers a comprehensive Swiss engineered product line, for automatic door activation and safety, with technologies including microwave, active and passive infrared. We also offer sensing solutions for other industries including industrial doors, public transportation and machines & robots
211838;ESR25-24VACDC GB;
211845;ESR26-24VACDC GB;
211777,ESR11-24VACDC GB;
211771,ESR11-230VAC GB;
211795,ESR12-24VACDC GB;
211789,ESR12-230VAC GB;
Qian Kong industria(ShangHai)co.LTD
Add: Room 10-19, Building A,No.5008 Hutai Road, Shanghai City. China